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In 2015, I am delighted and proud to be supported by two great teams of people who are willing to support and invest in young cyclists like myself, to help them on their way to achieving their dreams of becoming professional cyclists.


Without sponsors I wouldn't be able to do what I love for a living. 


Here on this page, I will explain a little bit about my sponsors and share with you, the reasons why I am delighted to have their investment. 





Team 3M

Team 3M is one of the most popular Continental teams in Belgium and focuses purely on the development of young riders. Having such a professional set up and putting their efforts in working with young riders progression, is what attracted me the most. Although Team 3M is a development team, they have a 20 man squad with ages from 19-26.


For a development team, they do have a very intense race calender which is what makes Team 3M one of the most well known Under 23 teams around. Since 2013, they have successfully lined up at one of the biggest classic's on the planet, Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne.


Following the teams moto 'Making progress possible', I hope to continue my progression and hopefully take my first win in Team 3M colours! 



Dave Rayner Fund

The Dave Rayner Fund was setup in memory of the late Dave Rayner, to help and support young British/Irish riders living and racing in Europe.


Dave Rayner was like any young aspiring cylist dreaming of being a professional cyclist. He had an imprisive palmares early in his career and was no suprise when he went on to lead the famous professional Buckler Team.


After his tragic death, the cycling community wanted to support his memory by giving other young riders the chance to follow in Dave’s footsteps, and so setup the fund.


I am very excited to have been given the opportunity to be working with the fund, who have produced many of the worlds best bike riders to date over the last 20 years. 



Follow Team 3M

Follow Dave Rayner Fund

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